Friday, June 19, 2009

Modes of Heat Transfer

Modes of Heat Transfer


-- To study different modes of heat transfer.

-- To determine rate of heat transfer in food and non-food materials

Why study heat transfer?

-- to examine how foods are heated and cooled

-- to calculate the rate of heating and cooling

-- to design new heat transfer equipment

-- to assess the performance of existing heat exchange equipment


-- Energy transfer at a molecular level

-- No physical movement of the material

-- Heating/Cooling of the solid material

The rate of heat flux (rate of heat transfer per unit area) in a solid object is proportional to the temperature gradient, this can be stated mathematically as,

We may remove the proportionality by using a constant 'k', to obtain, Fourier’s Law


qx = rate of heat transfer in the x direction by conduction, W

k = thermal conductivity, W/mC

A = area (normal to x-direction) through which heat flows, m2

T = temperature, C

x = length, variable, m



Thermal Conductivity, k unit: W/mC

Metals: k = 50-400 W/mC

Water: k = 0.597 W/mC

Air : k = 0.0251 W/mC

Insulating materials: k = 0.035 - 0.173 W/mC

For foods

k = 0.25 mc + 0.155 mp + 0.16 mf + 0.135 ma + 0.58 mm

Where m is mass fraction and subscripts c: carbohydrate, p: protein, f: fat, a: ash, m: moisture.


Fluid flow over a solid body -- heat transfer between a solid and a fluid.

Newton’s Law of Cooling:

q = h A (Tp-T)

where: h is convective heat transfer coefficient (W/m2C), A is area (m2), Tp is plate surface temperature (°C), T is surrounding fluid temperature (°C).

Forced Convection - artificially induced fluid flow

Free (Natural) Convection -- caused due to density differences

Fluid condition h (W/m2C)

Air, free convection 5-25

Air, forced convection 10-200

Water, free convection 20-100

Water, forced convection 50-10,000

Boiling water 3,000-100,000

Condensing water vapor 5,000-100,000


Heat transfer between two surfaces by emission and later absorption of electromagnetic radiation

requires no physical medium

Stefen-Boltzmann Equation:

q = A   (T24 – T14)

where  = Stefen-Boltzmann's constant, 5.669x10-8 W/m2K4

 = emissivity, (varies from 0 to 1) dimensionless

A = area, m2

T1 = temperature of surface 1, Absolute

T2 = temperature of surface 2, Absolute

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